Monday, May 30, 2005
6th week
Well my time here is almost up. I'm just getting into the swing of things now, I can even plan a 78min lesson in under half an hour which is a bonus. I've learnt how to manage the learning environment to minimise students getting distracted and off task, and I've even disciplined a student or two, nothing serious though. I've helped lots of students and many prefer to listen to my explanations over their present teacher which is a nice thing to hear. I've still yet to encounter a truly disruptive student, and that will always make me nervous till it happens. One thing that has stood out is that even the disruptive kids want to learn, you just need to find the key that switches them on. That can be hard for a class of over 25 individual kids. Still, the one thing you can't go past is giving people the respect they deserve. Students get ingrained into being disciplined and think something's wrong if you don't yell at them. They take notice when you don't yell at them more than if you try to raise your voice over them. Tis all going well at the moment, and only one week left here in Bilo, it seems a little sad to be leaving already.
Monday, May 23, 2005
5th week
Well, another week down and only 2 to go. This week was great, I think I've finally found out how to make a lesson work for me and the students. Last lesson on a Friday arvo before the bell, 78 mins of Yr9 maths, notoriously bad time to be doing maths. The lesson went so well, even the more disruptive students were so interested in doing algebra I was surprised. And all because I asked them to find the weight of flowers and snowflakes, who would have thought that something so abstract could be made so interesting! I also managed to get a good class for my physics students and a good time was had by all, I'm learning how to best get them to learn for themselves. It's good when it finally all comes together.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
4th week
Well my 4th week here ended on a low note. I didn't get my physics class right and they all got bored and one of them was having a birthday and no one wanted to do physics and they were really out of control for about half an hour which really threw me. I didn't even think to use the discipline procedure of sending one of them to the responsible thinking room, but I think it was good not to in some ways. I regained control and calmed them down, but I just didn't have enough for them to occupy themselves productively. So, another lesson learnt. Occupy everyone all the time with something and they are less likely to be disruptive. On a better note, I went to the trivia night at the local pub with the teachers team and we won. The prize was a $100 bar tab which was used quite rapidly. Still teaching is definitely still what I want to do and I still find it fun.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
3rd Week
this week went well for me. i took full 78 min classes in 12 physics, maths c and 10 maths, plus some half lessons of 8 maths and 12 trade and business. i've learnt enough to be able to have a feel for what is going on in the class now. i can tell when they're all getting restless and i know what i need to do about that, i can tell when they don't understand and i can help them out and i think i can even tell when they think they understand already and want to move on to something different. i'm still learning heaps though. it's not all under control yet with my classes and i have yet to enforce any strict discipline rules. and i still have to do assignments for uni! anyway, i'll get some done soon, that's about it. till next time.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
2nd week
Well my second week was still lots of fun. Had a bit of a disaster with my first class. Yr 10 maths and I was revising percentage changes discounts etc, I introduced too much new stuff when I gave an example of wind strength and force on a kite. The poor kids were lost and I didn't know what to do. I really let them down, but they still got something out of it on the simple questions I had on my worksheet I made for them, although I really needed more simple questions. (forgot to mark the roll too) I learnt a lot from that class and the next day in my Yr 8 math class I did a much better job, in fact I went a bit too slow and simple, some of the kids knew all the answers and where I was taking them in the mean mode median data analysis i took them through, still, better too simple than too hard. Anyway, next week I've got some more classes which I've got some good ideas for and I'll be taking some 12 maths and physics too, really looking forward to that.