Sunday, December 31, 2006


happy new year

happy new year everyone!
in another 6 hours it will be next year.
that's 2007 to be sure.

a great new year for all i say.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


repairs needed

well i've taken the last photo with my new camera for a while. it seems it has broken as it no longer starts up to let you take photos. the strange thing is it would still switch on to talk via usb, just not to take photos. the annoying thing is it happened just before christmas and while everyone is on holidays. so my blog will be sadly missing photos for a while, and i won't get to take any photos during my journey westward either which is disappointing. i should have it back in about 7 weeks. till then, i'll have to make do with other posts.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


darting shadow

darting shadow
Originally uploaded by mars73.
i caught this dark creature crossing the floor in the middle of a moonless night. where it was going no one knows for sure, and what it was thinking is a question that causes epistemological breakdowns.

but seriously this was a really dodgy photo before a bit of pixel tweaking tuned it up. now it's just mildly dodgy.

it's amazing what digital image processing can do.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


sculptured wall

sculptured wall
Originally uploaded by mars73.
if you take a walk around the woolworths building at sunshine plaza you will come across this wonderful artwork. and the saddest thing is almost no one sees it! i first discovered it when i took a path less travelled about 3 years ago and have been waiting to have a camera to share it ever since. it is the best kept secret at the plaza and provides a welcome escape from the crowds. granite boulders, a small estuary and some nice trees complement the wall. it's worth a look next time you happen to be in the area.

Sunday, December 17, 2006



you can just make out a platypus swimming in the water in this video. will have to get some closer shots when possible so you can see that it is a real platypus.

Saturday, December 16, 2006



Originally uploaded by mars73.
was in the city yesterday and came across these strange looking steel things at the top of the mall.
turns out they are large balls made of stainless and collander like pots.
they make for a spectacular touch and feel public art display. there are several different balls in different sizes scattered around the free space at the bottom of a big new building.
it's nice to have tactile art.
little kids were climbing over them, they seemed a little bit like they could roll away if i had climbed on them, so i resisted.

however, it would make a great photo i'm sure.
maybe another day.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


my first video

a video i took from the beach. i've got to learn how to edit and dub videos properly, and compose something useful in the content.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006



Originally uploaded by mars73.
a photo from when my brother visited italy. he went to pisa of course, and all i got was this photo. very nice photo though. and classic leaning tower. that's my brother standing on the left of shot. photo was taken by my dad, who was also there (duh!).



Originally uploaded by mars73.
refraction in glass, and a nice sarsaparilla root beer too.


fresh morning

a bright new bloom

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


quiet evening

finally i own a digital camera!
this is one of the first photos
a quiet evening looking over the water

(more about my camera later, but so you know
it's a pentax optio s7 with divx recording)



new comic

some very clever cartoons from


Monday, December 11, 2006


and then the rover saw something new
a large crater, bigger than ever before
skirting around the edges
cautious not to dive in head long
the rover quietly explored


Saturday, December 09, 2006



one truly does not know when they might die
nor does one know what may lay around the corner in the road,
what may be behind the blue door,
or through the round window.

Friday, December 08, 2006


last day

has now come and gone
and a new day awaits
tomorrow and the next day
and the day after that
some rest is in order

Sunday, December 03, 2006


and the moral

of the story is...
you'll get it, a very funny segment.



probability returning to normal*

now that normality is restored
everything seems normal again
time and place is restored
blogging continues as before

*from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy


spot the difference

5 points to anyone who can spot a difference here
in the blog that is



now it is sunday


Friday, December 01, 2006


leave a voice message

Send Me A Message

leave a voice message at the above link
just testing out a new service


an odeo

powered by ODEO

a test of an odeo recording


stir it up*

*apologies to bob marley for the title of this post


one week to go

only one week till holidays begin
only one week till there are 7 weeks left before i drive 2000km from where i am now to my next home. and then who knows how many weeks i'll be there before moving on again. it's a whole new world.

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