Friday, July 29, 2005


1st week

My first week back at Bilo High. It's been great. I've only officially taught one class, and helped out in a few others.
We just had the athletics carnival and I learnt how to conduct a high jump competition. I still can't do it myself though, but the kids can and they had fun so that is all that matters.
I've learnt a lot since I was last here, I almost feel like I can teach now. I've learnt that content is independent of pedagogy which is a real step forward for me. Now I can plan lessons in a much more simple way and concentrate on the pedagogy individual kids might need or prefer, or in some cases, is most appropriate to maintain control of a difficult class.
Now I've got the weekend to plan my lessons for Monday, make a junior science unit plan, which is going to be the coolest science unit ever, and have a bit of a sleep in. All good fun.

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