Thursday, December 29, 2005
hello opportunity
then one day the little rover ran into a large rock. it was so big that it could not see around it, or over it. and the rover wondered, 'where did this big rock come from?', 'last time i looked it wasn't here, then i look away for a second and suddenly it appears in my path!' the rover was confused and upset. 'that rock could have done some serious damage' the rover thought, 'lucky it didn't hit me'. the rover decided to find a way around the rock that mysteriously interrupted it. on the way around the rock the rover noticed how pitted and marked the rock was. there were dark spots, which were rough and casting small shadows onto the rock in the low sun. but there were also smooth parts, as if worn by a slow gentle stream. 'that rock must have had a hard time during the course of its life' the little rover thought. 'i wonder where it might go next?', the rover said to itself, and kept on driving.