Sunday, July 09, 2006
tomorrow i start my first paid teaching job. i'm still not certain what classes i'm taking, the only thing i know is that i will be taking some maths and science and i will find out more tomorrow. i'm a bit nervous. i'm sure it will be ok though. after all tomorrow is a student free day, how hard can that be? tuesday will be another thing though. i'll let you know how it goes.
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Don't you need more notice for what you're teaching so you can prepare lessons? I think I'd be pretty scared too! But I'm sure you'll do a great job.
it would be nice to have more notice, but school timetables chop and change so much at the last minute it's incredible. just this morning the deputy was trying to find a new contract teacher for tomorrow after something fell through. turns out i've got an 11 maths A and C, 12 maths B, and 8 maths and 8 science. i'm walking into two classes to return exams i didn't give or teach, and i'm not certain what's happening yet in the other 3 classes tomorrow. i'll do some intro getting to know you stuff, and some 'fun' maths activities. then i've got to plan fast for the other units i'm going to have to give. it's all up in the air, seat of your pants teaching, which can be a bit stressful, and if i'm not careful could lead to a big mess. i'll make sure i've got some activities to challenge them tomorrow. it should be all good if i stick to the basic rules and enforce them. i'm crossing my fingers now...
some good. some bad. got a long way to go before i become a real teacher. it's much harder than i've imagined or experienced before. i've got a long way to go if i'm going to make it in this job.
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