Saturday, September 02, 2006


new week, new experience

this week i learnt that i trust untrustworthy students too much. i rely on unreliable students, and i can't stop students from throwing oranges across a classroom. fortunately i also learnt that one of my students from a disadvantaged background is very bright. i gave credit where credit was due and i earnt some respect, from one student anyway. that leaves about 85 students to go.

i was really annoyed when two kids in my 10 class started fighting and one snapped and pegged an orange across the room behind my back, smashing against the back wall narrowly missing it's target. the problem is, i feel responsible because for that sort of stuff to happen i must not be a good teacher nor have the kids on task and being reasonable. but for some things i think i have to absolve myself of responsibility. i can't hold a students hand to prevent him from choosing to get mad and throw stuff, nor can i gag them to stop them talking when i need to talk. all i can do is ask them to choose the right thing. too often they choose the wrong thing. i can only hope that my follow-up will one day sink in and they will learn to choose the right thing when they get older.

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