Friday, September 15, 2006



a navy seahawk helicopter visited our school today. it was amazing. everyone got time off class to see it land on the oval. it made a lot of noise and showed the kids just how scary 10 tonnes of fibreglass and steel can be when it hurtles through the air. i got to touch it too, the skin was fibreglass, and it had a really cool tail rotor to help landing and manoeuvrability at sea. i want to go for a ride in a helicopter one day, that would be great fun.

A ride in a helicopter would be really cool - but kind of scary too i reckon... maybe one day :)
...and bungee jump out of it too, might have to go to nz for that.
My parents went to NZ last week and they went on a helicopter ride to see some glacier or something. They said it was very cool
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