Thursday, December 29, 2005


hello opportunity

then one day the little rover ran into a large rock.  it was so big that it could not see around it, or over it.  and the rover wondered, 'where did this big rock come from?', 'last time i looked it wasn't here, then i look away for a second and suddenly it appears in my path!'  the rover was confused and upset.  'that rock could have done some serious damage' the rover thought, 'lucky it didn't hit me'.  the rover decided to find a way around the rock that mysteriously interrupted it.  on the way around the rock the rover noticed how pitted and marked the rock was.  there were dark spots, which were rough and casting small shadows onto the rock in the low sun.  but there were also smooth parts, as if worn by a slow gentle stream.  'that rock must have had a hard time during the course of its life' the little rover thought.  'i wonder where it might go next?', the rover said to itself, and kept on driving.



tomorrow the year ends
but it is a day like any other

Saturday, December 24, 2005


- .. -- .

a time to talk
a time to tell
a time to listen
a time to hear

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


ode to a haiku

the perfect pancake
in hope that one may be found
on must go the search



"All I wanted to do was cry.
But I couldn't, because I had plastic eyes."

fight mannequinism

Friday, December 16, 2005


Letter to a terrorist

The affluent ignore
The poor and neglected

Social injustice, flagrant excess
Arrogant waste and blind ignorance

Cry for attention, claim retribution
Result of disaffection

On land with no owners
Fingers of blame

Flaming grilled cocktails
A recipe for anarchy we’re baking

From the web of knowledge
An applet stolen

To you and I God has spoken
“Eden no more”

Monday, December 12, 2005


no .au

what would one say to you
if lost were our ubuntu
when joined in common
by a dot com
we have sat
in what we shat

Wednesday, December 07, 2005



the little rover got to the top and looked out
what a marvellous view the rover thought to itself
i can see the lake where the little boats sail
the school where the children learn
and the houses where the people live

"but that's just what i see" the rover said
"i wonder what others see here in the view"

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